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Surplus Property

91社区 strives to adhere to guidelines provided by the state of Idaho in determining the procedure for sale of surplus property.  All employees of 91社区, including their spouses, dependents or any other person acting on the employee’s behalf, are prohibited from acquiring surplus property from 91社区. Employees may acquire surplus property from other state agencies only if the property is acquired through a competitive bid process.

Any surplus property with historical significance shall be noted and the Idaho State Historical Society notified prior to disposal of such property.

Items will be declared as surplus and all proceeds from the disposal of surplus property shall be deposited in the account of the disposing agency.

Grant funded programs are required to follow NIC policies and procedures unless otherwise stipulated by the grant award. Generally, NIC guidelines are more conservative and should be adhered to unless the grant has a more conservative method.

Declaration as surplus PROPERTY

91社区 will declare all personal property of no further use as surplus. Once declared, 91社区 may notify other public agencies of the availability of such property for procurement through electronic or other advertising.

Nominal value surplus may be exempt from declaration. Nominal value is defined as the surplus having a current value of zero or a current value less than what it would cost to dispose of the property at auction or a refuse site.

Authorization to Dispose OF SURPLUS PROPERTY

91社区 will manage all state-owned personal property with an original purchase price, or a purchase unit cost plus ancillary costs, at or above $2,000. Authorization will be obtained from the Director for Facilities Operations to dispose of such surplus property.

91社区 is required to manage all state-owned personal property below $2,000 (original purchase price, or purchase unit price plus ancillary costs). Disposal of said property is at the discretion of the Director for Facilities Operations.



  1. To another State of local public agency residing in Idaho without public advertisement or receipt of competitive bid.
  2. Surplus with an original purchase price of less than $10,000 can be sold to the highest bidder after advertisement of public sale, giving the time and place of sale and any sale conditions thereof, for at least one (1) week in a local newspaper, or at the place of sale and after offering the surplus property for sale.
    1. Sale can take place in the following methods:
      1. At a regularly held public auction conducted by an auctioneer pursuant to Idaho Code 63-2304
      2. At a state conducted public auction
      3. By receipt of written competitive bid in response to such public advertisement
  3. Surplus with an original purchase price of $10,000 or more can be sold to the highest bidder after advertisement of public sale, giving the time and place and any conditions of the sale thereof, for thirty (30) days in a local newspaper, or at the place of sale, and after offering the surplus property for sale. Sale methods are the same as listed in item 2a.


Surplus can be transferred to another state or local public agency residing in Idaho without public advertisement or auction.

Surplus of nominal value can be transferred without public advertisement or auction to a charitable organizations that qualifies under Section 501 (c) (3) and 501 (c) (19), Internal Revenue Service, or to any other person or entity that is participating in a program with a State of Idaho agency and when such transfer renders a benefit to the government or the state and its citizens.


Surplus property that may not be transferred or sold should be recycled whenever possible.


When the above disposal methods for surplus property are not feasible, surplus must be disposed of at a local refuse site.


Idaho Code allows sale, trade-in, or exchange of state personal property by exchanging the same in part payment for new property. Per Idaho Code §67-5722 “Exchange of property will be permitted only when it is determined by the administrator of the division of purchasing that all other methods of disposal of the property sought to be exchanged will yield a lesser monetary return to the state.” Property to be exchanged is not considered surplus and is subject to the college Business Office guidelines. Written justification for the agency’s determination that trade-in is the best method is required.


NIC departments will use the Fixed Asset Change Form () found on the College Portal in the documents tab under Budgets and Purchasing. This form should be utilized for transfers or disposals of inventory. Please supply the serial number, when available, for the asset being transferred. Items over $2,000 in original value will need prior authorization from the 91社区 Business Office before disposal. Advertising for sale purposes will follow the same format as listed above in the Methods of Disposal section. Any disposition of college property regardless of method of disposition will be conducted by the 91社区 Facilities Department and any resulting cash from that disposition will be deposited in a 91社区 miscellaneous revenue account.