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Primary Phone: (208) 769-4375
Division: Trades & Industry
Department: Trades & Industry
Location: Parker Technical 91社区
Building: Parker Technical 91社区 Cen
Room: 101F
Advanced Technical Certificate, Federal Communications Commission, 1st Class FCC License
Advanced Technical Certificate, US Air Force, Aircraft Control and Warning Radar
Graduate Classes, U of I, 91社区
Motorcycle Mechanic, American Motorcycle Institute, Daytona Beach, Fla., Certificate 1976
A.A.S., Skagit Valley College, Mt. Vernon, WA 1980, Electronics Technology
B.S. , Colorado State University (1990),
As a veteran and former member of the USAF ; my training and career field in the military allowed me to expand my employment opportunities upon separation from the Air Force. I was employed in several different areas of the aerospace and defense industries. A short list is as follows: Ball Aerospace Systems Division; Boulder, Colo. Approx. 5 years tenure at this job. Senior Tech. Specialist in the ATE/STE group. Involved in the engineering and design of ground test equipment for various space shuttle programs and microstrip antennas for various military missiles.// RCA/OMS Cherryhill, NJ Senior Radar Tech at Sparrevohn AFS, Alaska. Defense contractor for the Alaskan Air Command AC&W Radar System.// Federal Electric Corp( ITT) Mannheim, Germany. Part of Army Maint. Support Facility Europe (AMSFE) Developing ATE systems for Army Satellite Comm. Systems.// ITT Federal Electric Thule Air Base, Greenland. Radar Senior Tech for the U. S. Air Force (BMEWS) Ballistic Missile Early Warning System. This is the largest radar facility in the world and served as our nations' first line of defense against a ballistic missile (ICBM) attack on North America. Served at Thule in the 1984-1987 timeframe. This; along with my prior work history in the vehicle mechanics fields, has allowed me to be a very versatile instructor at NIC over these past 27 years and has enabled me to start and head up 3 different programs during my tenure at NIC. The 3 programs were/are: Electronics Program, Small Engine/Powersports program (OPRV) and my current program, Mechatronics.