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Laura Templeman

Generic staff profile image

Professor - Philosophy

Primary Phone: (208) 769-7888
Secondary Phone: (208) 769-3300

Division: English and Humanities

Department: Philosophy

Location: Coeur d' Alene Campus
Building: Lee Kildow Hall (LKH)


Certificate Of Completion, APPA, Philosophic Counselor

B.A., SUNY at Binghamton, Philosophy PreMedical

M.A., University of New Mexico, Philosophy Eastern and Comparative


Laura Templeman graduated from the State University of New York @ Binghamton as a pre-medical philosophy major, graduated with a Masters in Philosophy from University of New Mexico @ Albuquerque, and attended University of Idaho post-Masters studying psychology and philosophy. She is also a Certified Philosophical Counselor, and teaches mindfulness meditation in addition to philosophy, world religions, ethics, and logic. A fan of lifelong learning, she not only teaches but takes classes most semesters. Philosophy,psychology, and physics are her favorite subjects, but her interests have widened to things not starting with the letter p such as biology, sign language, Spanish, golfing (badly), gardening (poorly), and cooking without burning things. She grew up in New York with lightning bugs, lived in California with roaches and lots of sun, enjoyed New Mexico's black widows and sunshine, and now resides in Idaho with mosquitoes and low Vitamin D opportunities for half the year. When not teaching, she may be found running (away from bugs, just kidding) or walking along the lake listening to audiobooks. Other free time is spent with family and friends, alone (introvert!), playing Pub Trivia, wondering if she is a sunflower, and trying to have meaningful connections with people. She lives on two acres with her husband and their family dog Sophie, their cat - Purrwin Schrodinger, chickens (mostly unnamed), and an unwelcome skunk.