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Taylor Waring

Generic staff profile image

Assistant Professor - English

Primary Phone: (208) 929-4085

Division: English and Humanities

Department: English

Location: Coeur d' Alene Campus
Building: Lee Kildow Hall (LKH)
Room: 218C


M.F.A., Eastern Washington University , Creative Writing - Poetry

B.A., University Wisconsin - Oshkosh, English


Taylor D. Waring is a poet and musician from Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He earned is BA in English Literature at UW Oshkosh, where he worked as a Writing Consultant at the UW Oshkosh Writing Center for 3 years. During his BA, he spent two years as a McNair Scholar, received a Student/Faculty Collaborative Research Grant, and formed the UW Oshkosh English Club. While earning his MFA at Eastern Washington University, he served as the Managing Editor for Willow Springs Books and Web Editor for Willow Springs Magazine. 

Taylor's research interests include: psychoanalysis (Lacan/Zizek), post-structural theory (Derrida, Barthes, Genette), Milton, and post-1945 world poetry.