CHM-301 |
Organic Chemistry II |
4 |
CHEM-287 |
Organic Chemistry II |
4 |
CHM-301 |
Organic Chemistry II |
4 |
CHEM-288 |
Org Chem II Lab |
0 |
CHM-300 |
Organic Chemistry I |
4 |
CHEM-277 |
Organic Chemistry I |
4 |
CHM-300 |
Organic Chemistry I |
4 |
CHEM-278 |
Organic Chemistry I Lab |
0 |
PEH-102 |
Strength Training |
1 |
PE-110R |
Strength Training |
1 |
BIO-111 |
General Biology I |
4 |
BIOL-100 |
Concepts of Biology |
4 |
BIO-111 |
General Biology I |
4 |
BIOL-100L |
Concepts of Biology Lab |
0 |
COM-260 |
Debating Contemp Issues |
3 |
COMM-209 |
Argumentation |
3 |
PEH-301 |
Officiating High School Sports |
2 |
PE-242 |
Sports Officiating |
2 |
PEH-343 |
Psychology of Phys Act & Exerc |
3 |
PE-225 |
Sports Psychology |
3 |
PHA-247 |
Medical Terminology |
2 |
CAOT-179 |
Medical Terminology |
2 |
PAC-110 |
Cardioresistance Training |
1 |
PE-110F |
Cardiovascular Training |
1 |
PEH-211 |
Nutritiion |
3 |
PE-224 |
Nutrn for Hlth, Ftness & Exrcs |
3 |
PEH-204 |
Foundations of Human Structure |
4 |
BIOL-175 |
Human Biology |
4 |
PEH-204 |
Foundations of Human Structure |
4 |
BIOL-175L |
Human Biology Lab |
0 |
PEH-222 |
Beginning Athletic Training |
3 |
PE-250 |
Clinical Athletic Training |
3 |
PEH-302 |
Basketball Coaching |
2 |
PE-241E |
Coaching Methods: Basketball |
2 |
PEH-356 |
Physiology of Exercise |
3 |
PE-223 |
Exercise Physiology |
3 |
BIO-321 |
Human Anat & Phys I + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-227 |
Human Anat & Phys I |
4 |
BIO-321 |
Human Anat & Phys I + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-227L |
Human Anat & Phys I Lab |
0 |
BIO-311 |
Botany + Lab |
4 |
BTNY-203 |
General Botany |
4 |
BIO-311 |
Botany + Lab |
4 |
BTNY-203L |
General Botany Lab |
0 |
BIO-102 |
Introduction to Biology + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-100 |
Concepts of Biology |
4 |
BIO-102 |
Introduction to Biology + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-100L |
Concepts of Biology Lab |
0 |
BIO-305 |
Gen Vertebrate Zoology + Lab |
4 |
ZOOL-202 |
General Zoology |
4 |
BIO-305 |
Gen Vertebrate Zoology + Lab |
4 |
ZOOL-202L |
General Zoology Lab |
0 |
HHP-204 |
Found of Human Struc & Func |
4 |
BIOL-175 |
Human Biology |
4 |
HHP-204 |
Found of Human Struc & Func |
4 |
BIOL-175L |
Human Biology Lab |
0 |
PAC-104 |
Conditioning for Women's BBal |
1 |
PE-101WB |
VS Strength Women's Bball |
1 |
HHP-222 |
Beginning Athletic Training |
3 |
PE-250 |
Clinical Athletic Training |
3 |
HHP-171 |
Nutition |
4 |
PE-224 |
Nutrn for Hlth, Ftness & Exrcs |
4 |
HHP-210 |
Health & Wellness |
4 |
PE-222 |
Wellness Lifestyles |
4 |
BIO-250 |
Microbiology + Lab |
4 |
BACT-250 |
General Microbiology |
4 |
BIO-250 |
Microbiology + Lab |
4 |
BACT-250L |
General Microbiology Lab |
0 |
HHP-347 |
Psychology of Physical Act |
4 |
PE-225 |
Sports Psychology |
4 |
ART-342 |
Printmaking |
3 |
ART-251 |
Printmaking I |
3 |
ART-350 |
Sculpture |
3 |
ART-241 |
Sculpture I |
3 |
ART-301 |
Drawing II |
3 |
ART-217 |
Life Drawing I |
3 |
ART-243 |
Photography |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ART-232 |
Painting II |
3 |
ART-232 |
Beginning Painting II |
3 |
ART-231 |
Painting I |
3 |
ART-231 |
Beginning Painting I |
3 |
ART-222 |
Art History Survey III |
3 |
ART-102 |
Art Hist Da Vinci to Digital |
3 |
ART-121 |
Design |
3 |
ART-121 |
2-D/Design Foundations |
3 |
AMS-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
ART-101 |
Drawing I |
3 |
ART-111 |
Drawing I |
3 |
AMS-312 |
Management Concepts |
3 |
BUSA-211 |
Principles of Management |
3 |
AMS-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
AMS-407 |
Marketing |
3 |
BUSA-221 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
POL-101 |
Intro to Political Science |
3 |
POLS-105 |
Introduction Political Science |
3 |
PHS-311 |
Dynamics |
3 |
ENGR-220 |
Dynamics of Rigid Bodies |
3 |
POL-301 |
International Relations |
3 |
POLS-237 |
International Politics/Problem |
3 |
POL-203 |
American Natl St Locl Govt |
3 |
POLS-101 |
American National Government |
3 |
PSY-101 |
General Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
SOC-101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
SOC-101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
PSY-206 |
Human Development II |
3 |
PSYC-205 |
Developmental Psychology |
3 |
PSY-205 |
Human Development I |
3 |
CHD-134 |
Infancy-Middle Childhood |
3 |
PHR-205 |
Logic |
3 |
PHIL-201 |
Logic and Critical Thinking |
3 |
PHR-303 |
Ethics |
3 |
PHIL-103 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3 |
PHR-236 |
Religions of the World |
3 |
PHIL-111 |
World Religions |
3 |
PHS-201 |
General Physics I + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-211 |
Engineering Physics I |
4 |
PHS-201 |
General Physics I + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-211L |
Engineering Physics Lab I |
0 |
PHS-310 |
Statics |
3 |
ENGR-210 |
Statics |
3 |
PHS-101 |
Fundamental Physics I + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
4 |
PHS-101 |
Fundamental Physics I + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-111L |
General Physics I Lab |
0 |
PHS-102 |
Fundamental Physics II + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-112 |
General Physics II |
4 |
PHS-102 |
Fundamental Physics II + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-112L |
General Physics II Lab |
0 |
PHS-202 |
General Physics II + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-212 |
Engineering Physics II |
4 |
PHS-202 |
General Physics II + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-212L |
Engr Physics Lab II |
0 |
THR-101 |
Introduction to Theatre |
3 |
THEA-101 |
Introduction to the Theatre |
3 |
THR-110 |
Introduction to Cinema |
3 |
CINA-126 |
Film and Culture |
3 |
SPN-212 |
Intermediate Spanish II |
3 |
SPAN-202 |
Intermediate Spanish II |
3 |
THR-131 |
Stagecraft I |
3 |
THEA-103 |
Theatre Technology: Scenery |
3 |
THR-132 |
Beginning Acting |
3 |
THEA-115 |
Basics of Performance I |
3 |
THR-231 |
Stagecraft II |
3 |
THEA-104 |
Stagecraft II |
3 |
SOC-242 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH-220 |
Peoples of the World |
3 |
SOC-353 |
Intro to Social Work |
3 |
SOWK-240 |
Intro to Social Work |
3 |
SPN-131 |
Beginning Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPN-211 |
Intermediate Spanish I |
3 |
SPAN-201 |
Intermediate Spanish I |
3 |
SPN-132 |
Beginning Spanish II |
4 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
SOC-340 |
Indians of North America |
3 |
ANTH-225 |
Native People of North America |
3 |
PSY-305 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-211 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
SOC-240 |
Archeology & Prehistory |
3 |
ANTH-230 |
Intro to Arch/World Prehistory |
3 |
THR-135 |
Stage Make-Up |
3 |
THEA-102 |
Stage Makeup |
3 |
THR-232 |
Intermediate Acting |
3 |
THEA-116 |
Basics of Performance II |
3 |
MUS-112 |
Theory II |
4 |
MUSC-142 |
Harmony and Theory II |
3 |
MUS-112 |
Theory II |
4 |
MUSC-142L |
Harmony and Theory II Lab |
1 |
MAT-210 |
Probability & Statistics |
3 |
MATH-253 |
Statistical Methods |
3 |
MUS-111 |
Theory I |
4 |
MUSC-141 |
Harmony and Theory I |
3 |
MUS-111 |
Theory I |
4 |
MUSC-141L |
Harmony and Theory I Lab |
1 |
MUS-101 |
Introduction to Music |
3 |
MUSH-101 |
Survey of Music |
3 |
MUS-100 |
Elements of Music |
2 |
MUSC-120 |
Fundamentals of Music |
2 |
MAT-104 |
Math Elem Schl Tchrs II |
3 |
MATH-257 |
Math for Elem Teach II |
3 |
PEH-210 |
Health and Wellness |
4 |
PE-222 |
Wellness Lifestyles |
4 |
NAS-110 |
Intro to Native Amer Studies |
3 |
AIST-101 |
American Indian Studies |
3 |
MUS-140 |
Intro to Music of Wrld Peoples |
3 |
MUSH-163 |
Survey of World Music |
3 |
PEH-122 |
First Aid/CPR/Safety Educ |
2 |
PE-288 |
First Aid |
2 |
MUS-211 |
Theory III |
4 |
MUSC-241 |
Harmony and Theory III |
3 |
MUS-211 |
Theory III |
4 |
MUSC-241L |
Harmony and Theory III Lab |
1 |
MUS-261 |
Piano Class |
1 |
MUSA-130 |
Intro to Piano |
1 |
MUS-212 |
Theory IV |
4 |
MUSC-242 |
Harmony and Theory IV |
3 |
MUS-212 |
Theory IV |
4 |
MUSC-242L |
Harmony and Theory IV Lab |
1 |
FRN-131 |
Beginning French I |
4 |
FREN-101 |
Elementary French I |
4 |
ENG-272 |
British Literature 800 to 1800 |
3 |
ENGL-267 |
Survey of English Literature |
3 |
ENG-365 |
Journalism |
3 |
COMJ-121 |
Introduction to Media Writing |
3 |
GEO-101 |
Physical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-101 |
Physical Geology |
4 |
GEO-101 |
Physical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-101L |
Physical Geology Lab |
0 |
GEO-104 |
Physical Geology Lab |
1 |
GEOL-101 |
Physical Geology |
4 |
GEO-104 |
Physical Geology Lab |
1 |
GEOL-101L |
Physical Geology Lab |
0 |
FRN-132 |
Beginning French II |
4 |
FREN-102 |
Elementary French II |
4 |
HST-103 |
History of Civilization I |
3 |
HIST-101 |
World History I |
3 |
GEO-102 |
Historical Geology + Lab |
4 |
GEOL-102 |
Historical Geology |
4 |
GEO-102 |
Historical Geology + Lab |
4 |
GEOL-102L |
Historical Geology Lab |
0 |
IDS-120 |
College Study Skills |
2 |
CSC-105 |
College Study Skills |
2 |
MAT-103 |
Math for Elem Schl Tchrs I |
3 |
MATH-157 |
Math for Elem Teachers I |
3 |
MAT-110 |
Elementary Functions |
3 |
MATH-143 |
Precalculus I: Algebra |
3 |
MAT-100 |
College Algebra |
3 |
MATH-108 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3 |
HST-315 |
Latin American History |
3 |
HIST-210 |
Intro Modern Latin Amer Hist |
3 |
HST-104 |
History of Civilization II |
3 |
HIST-102 |
World History II |
3 |
HST-211 |
American History I |
3 |
HIST-111 |
United States History I |
3 |
HST-212 |
American History II |
3 |
HIST-112 |
United States History II |
3 |
IDS-110 |
Introduction to Humanities |
3 |
HUMS-101 |
Introduction to the Humanities |
3 |
BSA-209 |
Basic Statistical Methods |
3 |
BUSA-251 |
Business Statistics |
3 |
BSA-315 |
Prin of International Business |
3 |
BUSA-250 |
International Business |
3 |
CHM-100 |
Chemistry Everyday Life + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-100 |
Concepts of Chemistry |
4 |
CHM-100 |
Chemistry Everyday Life + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-100L |
Concepts of Chemistry Lab |
0 |
BSA-331 |
Business Law |
3 |
BUSA-265 |
Legal Envrnmt of Business |
3 |
BSA-343 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
BUSA-221 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
COM-102 |
Public Speaking |
3 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
3 |
CHM-101 |
General Chemistry I + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-111 |
General Chemistry I |
4 |
CHM-101 |
General Chemistry I + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-111L |
General Chemistry I Lab |
0 |
CHM-102 |
General Chemistry II + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-112 |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II |
4 |
CHM-102 |
General Chemistry II + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-112L |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II Lab |
0 |
BSA-201 |
Principles of Accounting I |
3 |
ACCT-201 |
Principles of Accounting |
3 |
BSA-321 |
Principles of Management |
3 |
BUSA-211 |
Principles of Management |
3 |
BIO-322 |
Human Anat & Phys II + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-228 |
Human Anat & Phys II W/Cadaver |
4 |
BIO-322 |
Human Anat & Phys II + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-228L |
Human Anat & Phys II Lab |
0 |
BSA-101 |
Introduction to Business |
3 |
BUSA-101 |
Intro to Business |
3 |
BSA-202 |
Principles of Accounting II |
3 |
ACCT-202 |
Managerial Accounting |
3 |
ESS-105 |
Environmental Ecology + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-231 |
General Ecology |
4 |
ESS-105 |
Environmental Ecology + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-231L |
Gen Ecol Lab |
0 |
ENG-283 |
American Literature 1865 to Pr |
3 |
ENGL-278 |
Great American Writers II |
3 |
ENG-282 |
American Literature to 1865 |
3 |
ENGL-277 |
Great American Writers I |
3 |
ENG-273 |
British Literature 1800 to Pre |
3 |
ENGL-268 |
Survey of English Literature |
3 |
ENG-118 |
Basic Composition |
3 |
ENGL-099 |
Fund for Writing |
3 |
ENG-223 |
Intro to Native American Lit |
3 |
ENGL-285 |
American Indian Literature |
3 |
ENG-119 |
First-Year Writing |
3 |
ENGL-101 |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
3 |
ENG-219 |
Critical Reading & Eval Writin |
3 |
ENGL-102 |
Writing and Rhetoric II |
3 |
COM-308 |
Intercultural Communication |
3 |
COMM-220 |
Intercultural Communication |
3 |
COM-250 |
Small Group Communication |
3 |
COMM-236 |
Small Group Communication |
3 |
COM-101 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
COMM-233 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
COM-355 |
Mass Media |
3 |
COMJ-140 |
Mass Media in a Free Society |
3 |
ECO-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
ECO-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
EDC-202 |
Foundations of 91社区 |
2 |
EDUC-201 |
Introduction to Teaching |
2 |
MAT-175 |
Introductory Calculus I |
5 |
MATH-170 |
Calculus I |
5 |
IDS-101 |
Freshman Seminar |
1 |
CSC-100 |
College Transition |
1 |
PHR-100 |
Intro Philosophy & Relig Thght |
3 |
PHIL-101 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
PEH-100 |
Varsity Sports: Women's Golf |
1 |
PE-100WG |
Varsity Sports - Women's Golf |
1 |
ACC-210 |
Foundations of Accounting |
3 |
ACCT-110 |
Small Business Accounting |
3 |
BSA-303 |
Principles of Management |
3 |
BUSA-211 |
Principles of Management |
3 |
BSA-304 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
BUSA-221 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
THR-336 |
Rendering for the Stage |
3 |
THEA-103 |
Theatre Technology: Scenery |
3 |
ECO-205 |
Principles of Economics |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ENG-325 |
Professional Writing |
3 |
ENGL-202 |
Technical Writing |
3 |
ENG-120 |
Critical Reading & Eval Writin |
3 |
ENGL-102 |
Writing and Rhetoric II |
3 |
BIO-120 |
Principles of Biology |
4 |
BIOL-100 |
Concepts of Biology |
4 |
BIO-120 |
Principles of Biology |
4 |
BIOL-100L |
Concepts of Biology Lab |
0 |
HHP-100 |
Varsity Football |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |